beach pebble ring

gallery360.jpg i was browsing a website of a customer that just bought a pair of my sale earrings. i was uber flattered that she had a pic of this ring and another single pendant necklace of mine on her blog.  i was so excited that she had this ring pictured...eep, eep, eep!! i love this ring.  it is one of my favorites that i have made.  you know me and rings :O)  i should keep one of mine once and a while as a physical catalog of my ring adventure & progression (mental note).  the stone is a beach peeble that is set off center on the band.  the little piece of tubing detail makes the ring feel it has a little eye and he's heading north.

jen, you're a peach thanks for posting about my work.  visit jen's great etsy shop for a variety handmade books, linens & cards.  love these tea towels.